The text below was posted on my Facebook page on July 01, 2022. Though on multiple occasions I emphasized the point, in many articles, that the mastermind and the executor of "The Engineered Defeat" of The Second Artsakh War-Pashinoglu is a paid agent recruited by Azerbaijani Intelligence with the full consent of his spiritual father and mentor President Levon Ter-Bedrosyan, new evidence provided by Prof. Abraham Gasparyan lends a very serious credibility to the allegations that he is selling Armenia, piece by piece, simply because that is what he was paid to do by his pay master Aliyev. 

Watch the interview of Prof. Gasparyan,


and then draw your own conclusions. My conclusions are very clear.



 Prof. Abraham Gasparyan


 FB Post: 

The grievances of Prof. Gasparyan are very simple yet paradoxically very difficult to accept and swallow. We are not a nation that lacks intellectuals with exceptional talents and mental prowess. We are not a nation that lacks billionaires, but we do lack billionaires who are more focused on money making rather than liberating Armenia and Artsakh from the clutches of the dictatorial junta running The Armenian State under the leadership of PM Pashinoglu.

Yet we are unable to stand up and confront Pashinoglu with the critical questions placed forward by Prof. Gasparyan, chief among them: “Pashinogly, who are you to surrender with the stroke of a pen lands that for centuries belonged to Armenia? Pashinoglu, what is the source of the legitimacy behind your diplomatic disastrous blunders that are placing on the auction bloc every sacred value that shaped the identity of our nation? Is it the delusional idea, that you returned to power in June 2021 based on a POPULAR mandate to pursue peace without dignity?

Pashinoglu, you are neither popular nor can you classify your electoral success as a POPULAR mandate to negotiate a humiliating peace with Azerbaijan, and pursue a “Normalization” of diplomatic ties with Turkey.

Pashinoglu, out of of the 2.6 million eligible voters in Armenia slightly less than 49% did cast votes-1,273,859. Out of the 1,273,859 Armenians who performed their civic duty only 687,414 voted for you and your Civil Contract Party (CCP). When 1 out of 4 Armenians supported you and The CCP, how can one jump to the conclusion that a Popular Mandate” secured a landslide victory for an Armenian born with the soul of a Turk, Pashinoglu?


Pashinoglu, you and your intellectually bankrupt goons running your government, are imitating Turkey in your foreign policies. If there is money to be made from endangering Russian interests in The Caucasus, you are insulting President Putin and marginalizing his initiatives, and in return you are expecting more loans, grants, and diplomatic support from Europe and America. Yet, when The West is failing to deliver the minimum measures required to diffuse the existential military threats imposed on you by Azerbaijan because you will never be able to satisfy the expansionist appetite of your brother Aliyev, you are willing to lick the shoes of President Putin.

Pashinoglu, remember and remember well, the entire mechanism of Russian diplomacy classifies you today as a PARASITE willing to suck the blood of an ally and provide nothing in return. You have become an unreliable ally for Russia and, one more time, you are considered a THORN on the side of Russia. One thing is guaranteed Pashinoglu, you will never get the “Nobel Peace Prize” for paving the way for a balanced PEACE in the Caucasus, because a paid “Foreign Agent” cannot work to safeguard the long-term interests of Armenia. Pashinoglu, you are dedicated to the protection of the expansionist goals of your brother Aliyev.


Pashinoglu, Prof. Gasparyan introduced during the interview, a very interesting piece of information that lends a strong support to the argument that you are a “Foreign Agent” on the pay list of Aliyev. Well before the Second Atsakh War, with your consent a foreign neutral country, brought to the region of SYUNIK Turkish and Azerbaijani engineers and contractors to assess the technical challenges of opening what today is known as the ZANGEZUR corridor linking Azerbaijan to its exclave Nakhichevan.

Pashinoglu, the “Engineered Defeat”, the thousands of lives lost, the thousands of widows and orphans who sacrificed their breadwinners so that you can have a lavish lifestyle with your family, was a well orchestrated show between you and your brother Aliyev to castrate and paralyze the only institution that could have possibly resisted and rattled your plans-The Armenian Army.

Pashinoglu, Prof. Gasparyan, at the end of the interview made a promise: “Nikoli tavajanoutyoune tchi nervelou”, your treachery will not be forgiven. I personally can guarantee you that it is not a matter of HOW and WHERE you will be paying the ultimate price for destroying a nation. It is only a matter of WHEN. 


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