Is Treachery The Dominant Trait of The Pashinyan Family?


In the annals of modern espionage, we encounter a long list of infamous spy rings composed of a father and son team, engaged in the treacherous act of passing critical information to the enemy, or acting on behalf or at the behest of the enemy in return for material compensations under one form or another.

While a Google search reveals an abundance of spies, at least in The US, who used their family members to advance the cause of the enemy (Soviet Union/Russia) at the detriment of the national security of America, I will selectively mention a few names, and thus allow readers who are interested in an in-depth exploration of the issue to have a jumping board that they can use to delve deeper into the intrigues of a family-run espionage enterprise. 

I will start with CIA agent Harold Nicholson, the 59-year-old father (at the time of his arrest), who sucked into the world of his dirty business his 26-year-old son (at the time of his arrest), Nathaniel Nicholson, to sell classified information to The Soviets in exchange for generous monetary compensations often collected by Nathaniel.

The second case deals with US Navy Officer John A. Walker Jr. (age 47 at the time of his arrest), and his son, Michael Lance Walker, 22 (at the time of his arrest) who also sold to the Soviets classified information, undermining in the process the vital interests of The US in general, and US Navy assets in particular.

While The National Security Service of The Republic of Armenia (NSS) publishes periodically the names and the events leading to the arrest of Armenian citizens working for the advancement of the interests of The Aliyev Dynasty in Azerbaijan, it does not focus the spotlight on family-run espionage rings, and/or Armenian families considered enemy agents. 

Probably the reluctance of The NSS decision makers to deal with “Family Type” enemy agents, rests on the premise that one should never bite the hands that are feeding the institution, especially if the hands belong to a sociopath named Nikol Pashinyan, who sacrificed casually 5000 Armenian brave soldiers, in an “Engineered Defeat” designed to return Artsakh to his paymaster Aliyev, and to consolidate his power internally after neutralizing the only institution that can mount a serious threat to his regime-The Armed Forces of The Republic of Armenia.

Those who are interested in the journey of The Azerbaijani Agent who started his professional career as a mediocre journalist and with the help of the Aliyev Dynasty reached The Office of The Prime Minister of Armenia, can read the following article titled:

What Did We Learn Since February 2022 About The Azerbaijani Agent Nikol Pashinyan?”

The focus of this article is more the son of PM Pashinyan, Ashot, who decided to exploit the vital role played by his father on the Armenian political landscape, to peddle his talents and services to a close ally of The Aliyev Dynasty-ISRAEL. 

According to Israeli sources and the official narrative used to recruit Ashot Pashinyan as a “Talent Acquisition Manager” for the Israeli Webiz company, the following key points are of critical importance:


1) Israel is facing an “acute” shortage of high-tech workers, a condition that forced the Israeli company operating under the name of “Webiz” to expand its operations into Armenia, thrilled by the fact that the government of PM Pashinyan encourages the entry into the Armenian market of IT companies specializing in software R&D, by offering tax breaks, light regulation, openness, and friendly bureaucratic processes.

Israel has a “Diaspora” made up approximately of 18 million individuals of Jewish descent, spread over all the continents of our planet. Hundreds of Jewish academics, with permanent tenures in very prestigious Western universities churn yearly thousands of research papers centred on computer engineering, software designs, cyber security, encryption, etc...

All of a sudden Israel experiences an acute shortage of talents. Instead of tapping into the vast network of Jewish academics in the Diaspora, for some obscure reason decision makers in Israel become convinced that the most expedient way to solve the problem is by recruiting the son of Armenia’s Prime Minister, who can hardly distinguish a donkey from a horse, and slap on his office door the fancy title of “Talent Acquisition Manager”, with the unambiguous understanding that he will report to an Israeli team/Mossad Agents operating in Yerevan, and with no safeguards preventing the Israeli team to redirect the info collected in Armenia to Tel Aviv. 

2) We are not sure if Armenia’s NSS exercised any form of due diligence before allowing Webiz to spread its tentacles from Israel to Tbilisi-Georgia, and then to Armenia. Or the simple fact that Ashot Pashinyan was vouching for the company’s noble intentions was enough to refrain from waving a red flag.

The three partners that established Webiz Eyal Bar Oz, Meni Benish who acts also as The Honorary Consul of Georgia in Israel, and David Zerach, cherished and maintained a close professional association with Unit 8200 of The Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

According to the ex-commander of the unit, Yair Cohen, about 90% of all intelligence collected in Israel is generated by Unit 8200, and there is no significant military operation conducted by Mossad or other security services without the active participation of the unit.”

Brigadier General Yair Cohen, after his retirement from the IDF, launched with a group of former officers who served under his command in Unit 8200, a start up company with the operational name of Sentra , dedicated to the provision of “Cloud Security” to any interested party with a deep pocket. If a reader wants to satisfy his/her curiosity, he/she can read the following article:

Former Israeli Intelligence Officers Found Sentra To Provide Cloud Security

It is highly unlikely that the average Armenian is familiar with the name SENTRA or Webiz. But probably mentioning the name VIBER can jog the memory of many Armenians who use the popular instant messaging app to place free calls worldwide without realizing that every conversation, every typed message, and every photo in our smart phone’s gallery are re-channelled to a data mining company in Israel. And nothing is given for free in the spying industry where information is power. 

The other name that may provide a hint about the achievements of Unit 8200 is Wix. Ltd. is an Israeli software company, publicly listed in the US, that provides cloud-based web development services. It allows users to create HTML5 websites and mobile sites through the use of online drag and drop tools.”

The founders of VIBER and WIX are Talmon Marco and Avishai Abrahami. Both figures completed their compulsory military service in Unit 8200.

Today, Unit 8200 can take credit for more than a thousand start ups worldwide, launched during the last decade, and at least 40 of them are currently generating more than $1 billion USD in revenues, and some in excess of $5 billion USD. But more important than the monetary rewards the start ups are securing, is the invaluable treasure trove of information Israel has access to from company’s masquerading as innocent “Business Ventures”, supposedly with no political agenda connected to the protection of the vital interests of The State of Israel.

3) Now, the thousand dollar question: If the average person, who has a reasonable understanding about the operational methods of the IDF, is aware that any Israeli citizen who completed his/her compulsory military service in Unit 8200, has to return every year for three weeks and share his/her knowledge from private start ups, with current Unit 8200 members, and familiarize himself/herself with the information gleaned by Unit 8200 from worldwide sources, why did the goons from Ijevan, holding key positions in The NSS did not foresee the threat that everything collected by Israel in Armenia will not stay in Armenia, and may well end up in the hands of Azerbaijan and Turkey via Israel?

That the information collected in Armenia will be compromised by Israel, is not the subject of any contention. But what is an interesting coincidence is the acquisition by Armenia of The Pegasus Spyware from the Israeli NSO Group, a company with close ties to Unit 8200 and The IDF around the same time frame Webiz was expanding its activities from Georgia to Armenia.

The orders to purchase The Pegasus Spyware came directly from PM Pashinyan. Readers interested in more details can check:

Why Did PM Pashinyan Purchase an Israeli Pegasus Spyware?”

In a nutshell Nikol compromised the entire cellular network of Armenia, and allowed Israeli agents, supposedly supervising the Armenian monitoring team, unhindered access to the conversation of every Armenian who owns a smart phone. In return Israel provided to the Prime Minister vital information about the opposition groups, journalists, academics,...who under one form or another entertained the dream that Nikol can be kicked out from The Office of The Prime Minister of Armenia peacefully.

Did Ashot influence his father, once the Israelis showered him with a generous salary and perks that will allow a kid in his early 20s to visit nightly expensive bars and restaurants in Yerevan with six roughnecks from Ijevan acting as his body guards?

Did Ashot persuade his father that he needs a second Israeli Spyware known as Cognyte, produced by Cognyte Software Ltd, a Spyware that not only allows the full control of smartphones, but it permits also the hijacking of a Facebook account and its misuse to spread lies, disinformation, and exercise any form of psychological warfare to convince Armenians that the survival of the nation rests heavily on signing a “Humiliating Peace Treaty” with Aliyev, and “Normalization” with Turkey. For more details see:

Armenia is a “Democracy”. Why does PM Pashinyan need so many Spywares?” 

We accept without any ambivalence that we did not address all the ramifications of the Father-Son spy enterprise established in Yerevan by Nikol and Ashot Pashinyan. We simply scratched the surface. It remains to be seen how much indifference and apathy the citizens of Armenia will display vis-a-vis traitors selling the country piece by piece to the enemy.




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