Pashinyan is selling us the concept of “Real Armenia”. Do we really need to denounce "Historical Armenia"?


During the 44-Day War, night after night, Armenia’s sociopath Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, stood in front of TV cameras and repeated the lie that he is winning the war.

 On Feb. 19, 2025, Pashinyan used his showmanship skills to disseminate during a long televised rambling, lies that he calls key changes that he must introduce, to make the ideology known as “Nikolism”, the main pillar supporting his quest for a  “Real Armenia.”

 Pashinyan, the man who, prior to the “Velvet Revolution” of 2018 used to run in the streets of Yerevan with a megaphone in his hand, yelling and screaming that

ավելի լավ է լինել Թուրքիայի շունը, քան լինել Ռուսաստանի ստրուկը

English translation: “Better be the dog of Turkey rather than be the slave of Russia”, suddenly realized that planting the seeds of hatred for Russia in the heart of every Armenian citizen, will not guarantee him a future in the political landscape of Armenia.

 Pashinyan, the fake revolutionary who extolled the virtues of “Globalism”, suddenly noticed that “Mindless Consumerism”, and “Immediate Gratification” of base desires, concepts closely associated with “Hedonism”, are nothing but a bed of sand that cannot support the fortress that can defend the Pashinyan Dynasty.

 So the man who thrived for the last seven years on “Charlatanism”, displayed to Armenian viewers a new brand of a “Snake Oil” that will guarantee happiness to every Armenian citizen, fix Armenia’s economic woes, and turn the country into a “Garden of Eden”  where every Armenian will live happily ever after.

 What are the ideas Nikol tried to peddle on Feb.19?

 “The homeland is the state: if you love the homeland, strengthen the state!”

The Ottoman occupation of Armenia lasted almost six centuries. Armenians did not have a “State” to express their grievances and assert their right to live a dignified life. But they loved the land. They respected the sanctity of the land that had been inhabited by their ancestors since time immemorial. And when the survival of the nation required the presence of a “State”, revolutionary leaders such as Aram Manoukian, defied odds and built in 1918 a State that reflected the political aspirations of a nation, not the desire of the enemy willing to enslave a nation.

The government is an agent representing the “State”. In order for the  government of PM Pashinyan to earn the respect of the Armenian citizens, and their dedication to protect the “State”, Pashinyan should refrain from pursuing policies inimical with the interests of Armenia. In his election campaign of 2021, he promised to refrain from signing any agreement or making any concession without consulting the popular will first.

 The promise he made was nothing but a lie similar to the lies he promoted during and after The Second Artsakh War. The “Trilateral Capitulation Agreement” of Nov. 09, 2020 froze the Artsakh conflict, and without consulting anyone, Pashinyan gifted Artsakh to Aliyev in The City of Prague back in 2022. And unfortunately, the concession he made to Aliyev did not bring him closer to “Peace.” Aliyev invaded Armenia, and today more than 200Sq Km of Armenian land with dozens of strategic heights are under the control of the Azeri Army.

 With his reluctance to fight for the Armenian  sovereign land, Pashinyan stimulated the appetite of Petro-Dictator Aliyev, who, for well over a year, has been insisting that Azerbaijan cannot sign a “Peace Treaty” without a new Armenian constitution (a) rejecting all territorial claims related to Artsakh, (b) refraining from the pursuit of the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

 Pashinyan is at an impasse. The “Real Armenia”, he is determined to build in the image of Erdogan and Aliyev, will not crystallize without a new constitution. Thus the insistence of Nikol that the citizens of Armenia and The Diaspora should give up the dream of “Historical Armenia” and concentrate on putting bread on the table. His new mantra as of Feb.19, 2025 “Where there is bread, there is life.”

 In Pashinyan’s “Real Armenia”, the State will create the conditions that will improve the citizen’s chances of putting a bread on the table, and of course Nikol reminds us that the “Primary Obligation” of citizens to the State is the payment of Taxes. In other words, the citizen of “Real Armenia” will be nothing more than a revenue generating machine for the government of Pashinyan, if he wins the 2026 elections and imposes a new constitution on the realm. 

Obviously, Pashinyan the atheist hypocrite who travelled to Washington D.C. on the first Thursday of February, to attend the National Prayer Breakfast never consulted the “New Testament” and never read the following statement:

“It is written: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” [Matthew 4:4] And out of 10 commandments of God, which one did the atheist conveniently forgot? The first one:

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

 There is nothing surprising in the “Selective Memory” of PM Pashinyan. You need to denounce the Heavenly God, The Master of The Universe, The Creator who shaped man and women in His image, and worship a pantheon of Gods such as the green dollar, gold, diamonds, fancy cars, mansions, and exotic vacations in remote islands. In Nikol’s “Real Armenia”, the pursuit of happiness, a masked version of hedonism, is the ultimate goal a citizen should aim for. In the “Real Armenia”, Pashinyan wants us to become automatons brainwashed and programmed to act with a “Dog Mentality”, a doctrine that persuades you to look at everything as an object of exploitation with three distinct possibilities; you can eat it, drink it, or fornicate with it. If you cannot engage in any of the three previously mentioned activities, you piss on it so that no one else touches it.  

 Again, nothing surprising from a former mediocre journalist, who cannot tell the difference between building a nation and managing the day-to-day activities of the government. I can guarantee you that Nikol never heard the name of Martin Luther King Jr., a true leader who fought for the dignity of  Afro-Americans, because he was convinced that America will become a better and stronger nation by instituting the principles of justice and equality for all the children of America, regardless of race, creed, or skin colour. It was Rev. King who pointed out to us that “If a man has not found something worth dying for, he is not fit to live."

 Nikol never found anything worth dying for. He survived on sheer opportunism, motivated by “Delusions of Grandeur”. The day that he is disappointed by his own dreams, betrayed by his closest friends, and neglected by allies supposedly dedicated to strengthening democracy in Armenia, Nikol will not fight. He will gather his family members, grab a briefcase full of US Dollars, and like Bashar Al Assad, he will seek exile in Canada, UK, France, and why not Baku or Ankara. After all Armenian academics were right when they labelled him

 “Loyal servant of the interests of Ankara and Baku, and also the humble enabler of “The Greater Turan” dream (Pan-Turkism)."

 Անկարայի և Բաքվի շահերի հավատարիմ ծառան, ինչպես նաև «Մեծ Թուրան» երազանքի (պանթուրքիզմ) համեստ քարոզիչը. 

 Արդյո՞ք դավաճանությունը Փաշինյան ընտանիքի գերիշխող հատկանիշն է

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