Open Letter To His Holiness Karekin II

 I am addressing to your attention this letter at a time when our nation is besieged by serious internal threats, and catastrophic external dangers are hovering over the entire landmass of Armenia and Artsakh due to a series of myopic decisions made by the government of Armenia.

Since the end of The Second Artsakh War with the capitulation trilateral agreement signed by PM Pashinyan on Nov.09, 2020, a divisive government clearly dedicated to the principle of appeasement of the enemy, and strongly committed to the principle of peace without dignity, is tearing apart the social fabric of Armenia and driving a wedge between the Fatherland/Hayrenik and a Diaspora clearly labelled as “Enemy of The State”. 

 Karekin II condemns attacks on Christian communities in ...


 You may stop me at this point to remind me that you are a spiritual leader dedicated to saving the spiritual destiny of individuals, and political issues do not belong to the realm of The Apostolic Church of Armenia. With all due respect your Holiness, the dichotomy between the spiritual and the political has been imposed on humanity by a “Globalist” movement that has successfully argued with the power of money and control of social communication platforms, that spirituality belongs to the sphere of the individual while political activism is inherently a social endeavour focusing on the collective salvation of a nation within the temporal reality of our planet.

Your Holiness, this “Globalist” dichotomy, wedded to “Relativism” and “Mindless Consumerism”, disregards the fact that GOD did not resign from the realities of our world and decided to retire in a Cathedral or a Monastery. The dichotomy rests heavily on the twisted logic that depicts our spirituality, our relationship to GOD as a bond with no impact on our social environment or the collective well-being of a nation. The dichotomy managed to convince us that “Politics” is strictly a secular struggle. Many Armenians fell in the trap and accepted the previous argument at face value, and the end result became very clear during the last three decades following independence; politics lost its moral matrix and purpose, and it became an arena where the rich and the powerful exploit the weak and the marginalized, not to advance the collective good but to glorify the exploits of megalomaniacs masquerading as popular political figures, or noble oligarchs claiming to have the best interest of the nation in heart and mind.

Your Holiness, globalism, relativism, and mindless consumerism succeeded with flying colours to debase the spiritual heritage of Armenia, the first country to adopt Christianity as a State religion, by creating for us a mighty earthly idol (False God/Mighty Green Dollar) that we are worshipping today because it has successfully turned politics into a matter of self-aggrandizement, self-expediency, and self-interest at the expense of the collective good.

Centuries ago we received from the Ancient Testament the ten commandments with the dire warning: I am the LORD your GOD...You shall have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:2-3 The Son of GOD reiterated to us another critical maxim that should have always moulded our spiritual quest for salvation and our political behaviour and discourse: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” Matthew 22:37 Yet today, in ways and measures reminiscent of paganism, we are worshipping a Pantheon of Gods under the leadership of the green mighty dollar, followed by the gods of gold, diamond, expensive cars, etc... 

The emergence of a pantheon of Gods in the Armenian society brought to the surface the critical fact, that the country that adopted Christianity as a State religion back in 301AD, has systematically developed an inclination toward evil. An evil that neglects the poor and the marginalized. An evil that does not want a role for our churches in schools. An evil that builds more gambling outlets rather than hospitals and rural clinics. An evil willing to trade the lives of 120.000 Armenians as a collateral damage for an imagined “Economic Prosperity” that supposedly will turn Armenia into a land of honey and milk sustained by the economic prowess of Turkey and Azerbaijan.

And this is where I respectfully urge you to break you silence and with a roar insist that you will not allow evil to prevail in a holy land, and you will always remind political decision makers that evil is not beyond the reach of divine wrath, nor the good beyond the need for God’s Grace. As a spiritual leader entrusted with the task of bringing God closer to Armenian men and women, and men and women of Armenia closer to God, you need to underline to your flock that the so called “Economic Prosperity” pursued currently by the government of PM Pashinyan, carry dangerous signs of moral cynicism, spiritual degeneration, psychological despair, and will pave the way for genocidal wars to exterminate Artsakh and occupy Yerevan simply because a Petro Dictator (Aliyev) overwhelmed by delusions of grandeur truly believes that Yerevan is part of the historical landmass of Azerbaijan.

Your Holiness, political goodness is the twin brother of spiritual goodness, because political goodness ineluctably implies an unwavering commitment, not only to cherish goals that are sacred, but also to having an indomitable will to defend what is sacred especially when throughout the last 17 centuries we protected faithfully our religious heritage with the blood of millions of martyrs who refused to denounce the tenets of their faith in the name of appeasing an enemy. Today our religious legacy is under attack to please an enemy, and forge a humiliating peace that will destroy the social fabric of our land. 

The helm of the country is in the hands of a “False Prophet From Ijevan” (Nikol Pashinyan) convinced that he is leading his nation to the “Promised Land”. Meanwhile, like an ostrich burying its head in the sand, he is pretending that the hunter is unable to see him.

The “False Prophet” turned lying into an art to facilitate the success of evil in our land. On April 06, 2022 he declared at the end of a mediation process initiated by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, that Armenia is ready to recognize the “Territorial Integrity” of Azerbaijan and sign a permanent “Peace Treaty” that will turn Armenia into the land of honey and milk.

To all observers monitoring the game Pashinyan is playing on the international scene, and the contradictory ideas he is peddling to the Armenian population, the Brussels announcement was a clear indication that Artsakh will be integrated into Azeri territorial sovereignty, the door will be shut and sealed on Artsakh’s struggle for self-determination, and at best Artsakh can enjoy a limited cultural autonomy within Azerbaijan’s rules, coupled with guarantees of basic human rights implemented under European supervision.

On April 13, 2022 Pashinyan insisted during a long diatribe in The Armenian Parliament that his hands are tied by European partners and there is a strong imperative to “lower the bar” on the status of Artsakh during peace negotiations with Azerbaijan.

On April 14, 2022 Artsakh’s parliament adopted a unanimous resolution and stated that “Any negotiation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan within the ‘peace’ agenda, which presupposes the forcible incorporation of Artsakh into Azerbaijan, as well as the signing of a document resulting from it, undermines not only the statehood of Artsakh, but also violates the inalienable right of the Armenians of Artsakh to live in their historical homeland,” In other words Artsakh has no obligation to honour any agreement shaped and coloured by Pashinyan and his brother Aliyev. 

On April 22, in a statement made to RIA, the Russian state-owned domestic news agency, the voice of evil declared that “I rule out that I would come close to signing a document that would not have undergone extensive public discussion, including with all the layers of society in Nagorno-Karabakh...This is a cast-iron guarantee that the fate of Nagorno-Karabakh cannot be decided behind the backs of the people.”

How many times since 2018, the professional liar Nikol Pashinyan insisted that the Armenian nation should trust his integrity and believe his commitment that he will never sign a document without consulting the public first? For 44 days during The Second Artsakh War he lied that the victory is within reach, only to confront the nation on Nov.09/22 with a capitulation agreement that he signed without any form of public discussion or debate.

If there is one clear pattern in his behavior, it is not integrity, and it is not the commitment to honour promises. Did Pashinyan repent lately after extensive psychotherapy to heal the demons in control of his soul? Do we give him another chance to betray his nation, and deliver to Aliyev the blood of 120.000 Armenians currently living in Artsakh? On April 24, 2022 we celebrated the 107th Anniversary of The Armenian Genocide of 1915, haven’t we learned anything from the lessons of history? If our answer is a sincere YES, and we are serious when we scream and yell “NEVER AGAIN”, why are we allowing a liar to deliver 120.000 Armenian souls to the sword of Aliyev? Can we set aside our petty bickerings and concentrate our efforts on neutralizing the existential threat currently faced by Artsakh? Or do we allow the liar to continue his pursuit of peace while accepting the 120.000 Armenian victims of Artsakh as a collateral damage for a peace that will bring an imagined economic prosperity supported by the financial investments of Aliyev and Erdogan in the Armenian economy?

Your Holiness remember the following statement of St. Paul to the Ephesians:

Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Know Thy Enemy: Ephesians 6:11-12

Your Holiness put your full armor and lead your flock with the spirit of Kherimian Hayrig. Remind the Armenian nation that Christianism is a revolutionary religion that does not accept any form of appeasement of evil. Insist that the spiritual, moral, and political revival of Armenia is a precondition for freedom. A freedom dedicated to the protection of the dignity of a nation. A freedom that rejects to worship the green mighty dollar. A freedom that refuses to cooperate with tyranny. A freedom that rejects to surrender Armenia to money merchants committed to destroy Armenia by undermining the very values that gave us a sense of purpose, a cohesion, and a spiritual heritage that kept us together during our worst moments of despair. 

Image from page 41 of "Leavening the Levant" (1916) | Flickr


Your Holiness, raise your whip and reiterate the following words of The Son of God:

It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.” Matthew 21:13 Overturn the tables of the money changers and chase them out from the corridors of power before they inflict an irreversible damage on our beloved Fatherland Armenia.


Noubar Serabian


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