Pashinyan's Election Victory; A New Popular Mandate Or Delusions Of Grandeur

 On May 30, 2021 we published our previous article and we pointed out to Armenians living in The Fatherland (Hayrenik) and The Diaspora that :

Unfortunately and very sadly, the sociopath [Nikol Pashinyan] will be reelected because the key regional powers have a vested interest in keeping him in power.”

We maintained the tradition of contacting a significant number of our readers by email, and conveyed the following note to announce the release of a new article:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Every effort will be made by regional actors to control the outcome of the June 20 elections in Armenia. Facebook will be the most critical tool used to persuade Armenian voters that Mr. Nikol Pashinyan is and must remain the protector of Armenian national interests.

For more details read our most recent article titled:

Facebook An Innocent Social Media Platform Or A Complex Intelligence Gathering Apparatus 

Weeks before the elections of June 20, 2021 we had a crystal clear analysis of the course of events in Armenia, and with total confidence we insisted and predicted (in writing) that Pashinyan will win and stay in control of Armenia. Elections results on June 20 confirmed that our analysis was correct, and opinion surveys/polls released during the electoral campaign, depicting a close race between Mr. Pashinyan and Mr. Kocharyan, were nothing but a mirror reflection of a poor understanding of the general mood of the Armenian electorate.

On June 21 Mr. Pashinyan, in a delusional frame of mind, claimed “Landslide Election Victory. He proudly announced that "The people of Armenia gave our Civil Contract party a mandate to lead the country and personally me to lead the country as prime minister."

Do the final figures, released by the Central Election Commission of Armenia (CEC) and other authoritative sources, support the delusional claim made by Mr. Pashinyan that “The People of Armenia” reached the verdict that he has to stay at the helm of Armenia? 

Before addressing the figures/results of the election, it would more appropriate to expose our readers to the scientific definiton of “Delusion”:

A delusion is a belief that is clearly false and that indicates an abnormality in the affected person’s content of thought. The false belief is not accounted for by the person’s cultural or religious background or his or her level of intelligence. The key feature of a delusion is the degree to which the person is convinced that the belief is true. A person with a delusion will hold firmly to the belief regardless of evidence to the contrary.”

Mr. Pashinyan, a high tech media-savvy person with a strong inclination for theatrical showmanship, less than 24 hours after the release of election results, was very quick to peddle the idea that “The People of Armenia” via the election process bestowed on him the honour of leading Armenia. But who are the people of Armenia? In a population of 2.6 million eligible voters what is the percentage point required to claim in the name of The People a new mandate?

Let us analyze the evidence available, and then connect the dots between delusions of grandeur, absence of any facts supporting Mr. Pashinyan's claim, and his personal conviction of a “manifest destiny” entrusted with the task of building a new empire for Armenia is justifiable and inevitable.

 During  Pashinyan's ascendancy to power in 2018, a large variety of memorabilia were available in dozens of open markets in Yerevan. Buyers of the coin desperately wanted to believe that the Armenian version of Caesar Augustus-Nikol Pashinyan, will build a new empire that will last centuries, stretching from the Caucasus to the borders of Palestine. They rejected the fact that he is a mere mortal who has failed to understand the depth of his own ignorance of geopolitical realities

Of the 2.6 million eligible voters in Armenia slightly less than 49% did cast votes-1,273,859. Out of the 1,273,859 Armenians who performed their civic duty only 687,414 supported Mr. Pashinyan and his Civil Contract Party (CCP). When 1 out of 4 Armenians supported Mr. Pashinyan and The CCP, how can one jump to the conclusion that a “Popular Mandate” secured a lanslide victory for Prime Minister Pashinyan?

In the final figures released by The CEC there isn't a single shred of evidence supporting Mr. Pashinyan's claim that he has a “Popular Mandate” to govern Armenia. He has the full support of the tyranny of numbers/majority, one of the uggliest realities the French diplomat and political philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) condemned as an inherent evil of any democracy.

There is solid evidence that 1.4 million Armenians were paralyzed by an apathy he engineered, with his reluctance to use diplomacy (Lavrov Plan) and thus trigger a war his Generals advised him he cannot win. He signed the trilateral capitulation agreement of Nov. 09, 2020 and decided to add insult to injury, by castrating his Generals, and creating a state of impotence that allows the Azeri Army to grab several kilometres of Armenian territory without any symbolic resistance from the Armenian Army.

After reducing Artsakh to less than 50% of the land mass it had prior to Nov.09/20, and paying a prohibitive price in casualties (6.000 dead soldiers) and billions of dollars in infrastructure damages, today he has only the tyranny of numbers/majority to auction more lands to the Turks, Azeris, or the highest bidder from the regional actors. All of it will be done in the name of a delusional “Economic Prosperity” Armenia will enjoy once the corridors are established to reach a state of full compliance with Azeri conditions imposed in the capitulation agreement of Nov.09/20.

Nikol Pashinyan the Savior from the Planet Ijevan the false Messiah who, in 2018, ushered into the heart and mind of every Armenian high hopes that he will lead his nation to the “Promised Land” . According to his grandiose fantasies the land will experience an unprecedented economic prosperity. More than 600.000 Armenian voters shared his fantasies in June 2021 without realizing that prosperity will come at a steep price. The Armenian national identity will be mutilated by globalism, Azeri and Turkish hegemony will dominate every inch of Armenian territory, and wretched, miserable, downtrodden Armenians who gave him a “Landslide Victory” will savour peacefully a meteoric improvement in their material conditions.


The French General Louis Lazare Hoche was right when he pointed out that “There is no delusional idea held by the mentally ill which cannot be exceeded in its absurdity by the conviction of fanatics, either individually or en masse.

In a state of popular hysteria 687,414 Armenians, overwhelmed by the delusion that The Messiah is never wrong returned Mr. Pashinyan to power, not and I emphasize NOT a “popular mandate” based on the deeply rooted conviction that he can deliver a better future for Armenia and Armenians.

The certainty (a glorious future) of Mr. Pashinyan and his followers, that resembles more a monstrous stupidity reminds us of the following statement made by the British Academic/polymath Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970) some seven decades ago:

One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision" - Bertrand Russell (1951)

Elections of June 20 delivered Armenia to a leader overwhelmed by daftness, and paralyzed with doubt and uncertainty those who have a better understanding of the geopolitical realities of the world. Hopefully Divine intervention will shield the nation from a bigger calamity the enemies of Armenia are currently preparing. 


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