Armenian Emotionalism And The Absence Of Cold Logic


French Senate Votes to Impose Sanctions on Azerbaijan; Condemns Baku’s Attack on Armenia; Reaffirms Recognition of Artsakh Independence

We, Armenians, are an extremely emotional nation. 
Often we are so excited by a decision reached by The Senate of a friendly country, 
that we don’t use our cold logic to understand the facts, what was said, and what was 
left out of the big picture. 
Yes, a moral victory was achieved, a resolution was forged by a prestigious French 
political institution, but we lost sight of the very important fact that The French Senate
 is not The French State represented by The French President Macron and his 
government. This means The French President has no “Legally Binding” obligation 
to implement anything mentioned in the resolution of the French Senate.  
And no matter how much apprehension and unease the French President 
Macron displays, vis-a-vis the Azeri military aggression that triggered hundreds 
of deaths, thousands of displaced civilians, an unprecedented savagery in mutilating 
female Armenian soldiers, and the summary execution of Armenian soldiers 
captured during the offensive of September 13, 2022, President Macron will not send 
a French military expedition to liberate the Armenian lands currently under the shadow
of Aliyev. 
You want an in-depth analysis of the French Senate’s resolution and the practical implications 
for Armenia, listen to the interview of Prof. Tigrane Yegavian. A French political analyst 
of Armenian descent, and then re-evaluate the amount of excitement you want to invest in 
the “Resolution”. 

Ֆրանսիան չի կարող զենք տալ, բայց կարող է ռազմավարական կրթությամբ աջակցել Հայաստանին

On prior occasions I did mention that I categorically disagree with Prof. Tigrane Yegavian’s statement that France cannot go beyond “Lip Service” moral support with suffering Armenia, and provide military hardware to the Armenian Army to repel an aggressor (The Azerbaijani Army) out of the 200 Squ. KM of sovereign Armenian territory occupied since November 09, 2020, most of it conquered during the clashes of Sept. 13/14, 2022. 

Political observers remember well how The US Administration of President Reagan, between 1981 and 1986, found an ingenious way to circumvent dozens of legal barriers and congressional restrictions/embargo on the transfer of US weapons to Iran, and use the proceeds to finance the Contras in Nicaragua.

In other words, a US President, broke the law to support his ideological commitment to eradicate socialist movements from Latin America. Reagan was also hoping that the transfer of weapons to the Ayatollahs in Iran, can pave the way for the release of US hostages held in Lebanon by Hezbollah, a terrorist movement created by Iran to advance its interests in the Levant. Reagan was not negotiating directly with a terrorist movement, but was hoping that the financiers of the movement, The Ayatollahs, can exert enough pressure to secure the seven US hostages held in Lebanon.

In other words, if the political leadership of a country such as France, strongly believes that since September 13, 2022 we have on Armenian soil a well established aggressor, The Azerbaijani Army, and a savagely victimized Armenian population, then it will not be extremely difficult to buy from the international arms market weapons and channel them to The Armenian Army. 

During the “Cold War” and beyond, all kinds of clandestine methods were devised by State Actors to channel military hardware to the warring parties in any conflict zone. With the tremendous capabilities of The French Intelligence Community, I can’t foresee any scenario that will prevent France from sending clandestine military aid to Armenia. Needless to say, that once the French political will irreversibly decides to come to the military assistance of Armenia, a technology transfer can pave the way for the production of powerful weapons within the boundaries of Armenia, thus deflecting considerably any backlash from the international community directed against France. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Instead of pinning our hopes on France in particular, and The West in general let us remember the words of Bishop Bagrat Galstanyan, who stated a couple of weeks ago the following: We will avoid political beggary from the rest of the world, and armed with our political agenda we will pursue our noble goals with dignity. We should resign not from seeking friendships, but from focusing our hopes on friends only.

We will fight fearlessly to shape our own destiny because in our lands blood has streamed more abundantly than the waters that charted the course of our rivers, and with blood we protected our ancestral homeland with total disregard for the intensity of our sacrifice, and with blood we will never allow Artsakh to be integrated into the territorial sovereignty of our enemy.” 

Չեմ ներելու հանուն քեզ, Արցա՛խ. Բագրատ Սրբազան

The time has come to stop the political beggary, rely on our own means (Armenia & Diaspora), and with an indomitable resolve launch the battle cry "Therefore let him who desires peace prepare for war."

It was integrated into the writings of Roman historian Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus who published a tract (fifth century AD), titled “De re militari “ English translation: “Concerning Military Matters". The author described in significant details the principles of Roman warfare that paved the way for the successes experienced by the Roman Army in conquering a huge landmass stretching from Europe, to North Africa, and Western Asia.

American political philosopher, statesman, and diplomat Benjamin Franklin expressed a truce very eloquently when he pointed out that: “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain STUPID.”

Pashinoglu integrated STUPIDITY in his “Modus Operandi” and decided that the best way to secure peace for the Armenian nation is by masterminding and implementing an “Engineered Defeat” that will return on a silver platter Artsakh to Aliyev, and relieve Armenia from the burden of staying the “Guarantor of Artsakh’s Security.”

The Azerbaijani Agent, Pashinoglu,

formally signed the Trilateral Capitulation Agreement of November 09, 2020 hoping that appeasing his paymaster Aliyev can slowly but surely bring Armenia closer to peace. His miscalculations based on stupidity stimulated the appetite of a dictator whose survival rests on wars of permanent expansion destined to achieve what The Ittihadist failed to score back in 1915; wiping off Armenia and Armenians from planet earth. 

Thanks to Pashinoglu's stupidity, since November 09, 2020, war between Artsakh, Armenia, and Azerbaijan only changed intensity. From "High Intensity Warfare" during the 44-day war, we moved to a "Low Intensity Warfare" that granted to Aliyev, with Turkish complicity, more than 200Squ. KM of Armenian land, recognized internationally as an integral part of Armenia's territorial sovereignty.

The big $1000 question is: "How far are we going to allow an imbecile Prime Minister to delude us with the dream of an elusive peace, before we realize that there will be no peace as long us he is occupying The Office of The Prime Minister of Armenia? 






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