When a dimwitted Prime Minister forges policies based on empty promises

Since 2018 Armenia has been the victim of a great scourge due to the myopic foreign policies of PM Pashinyan. Devoid of common sense, lacking a basic understanding of history, and unable to grasp the geopolitical realities of the Caucasus, he is currently pursuing the disastrous attempt to introduce international observers to monitor and contain the new wave of Azerbaijan’s Armed Forces (AAF) incursions into Armenian territory.

Pashinyan has been in a state of euphoria since the French Ambassador to Armenia, Anne Louyot, made the following declaration: We support the idea [Foreign observers], we work in this direction and negotiate with other countries...The situation here is really serious, and France and the United States are working to get other countries to intervene as well. We are not silent, we have said who the aggressor is. We hope other countries will do the same.”

Emboldened by the “Lip Service” of The French Ambassador, Pashinyan Twitted the following comment:"Withdrawal of Azerbaijani troops and deployment of an international observer mission on the Armenian territories affected by Azerbaijani occupation and bordering areas is an absolute necessity.”

As a nation that barely managed to survive The Genocide of 1915, one more time we are trusting Christian Europe to save us from our enemies, at a crucial point when the Azerbaijani Army, following the clashes of Sept.13, 2022, established a new contact line approximately 50 KM away from Yerevan.

Pashinyan conveniently forgot that the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen hammered, a few weeks ago, an agreement with Petro Dictator Aliyev guaranteeing the full scale exploitation by Azerbaijan of the massive natural gas reserves of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan (Dostluk Project) to cover Europe’s need for natural gas this coming winter. Armenia’s destiny is not a major concern. Preventing the population of Europe from freezing this coming winter is the ultimate priority.

Ursula von der Leyen decided to show nothing but contempt and derision to the open letter published by 50 European political figures who denounced her drive to replace an autocrat’s gas (Putin), by relying on the services of a Kleptocrat named Ilham Aliyev, obsessed with the grandiose dream of conquering Yerevan because his revisionist maps indicate that Yerevan belonged always to the historical landmass of Azerbaijan. 

Here is an excerpt of the “Open Letter”:

It is an understatement to say that this announcement is frightening, for anyone who knows how the dictatorship that heads Azerbaijan uses the proceeds of its gas revenues. Not only is it ruled, for the past three decades, by the same caste of people that indulges in every possible human rights abuse, but it is also desperately seeking to finance arms being used to exterminate Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh and in the Republic of Armenia. Additionally, the Azerbaijani solution is rooted in the past, as it contradicts the European Union's commitments to the energy transition and its demands for a more sovereign energy policy.

This is why we urge the European Commission to abandon this project with Azerbaijan, just as we ask the heads of state and government of the European Union and the European Parliament not to ratify, under any circumstances, an agreement that would substitute the dependence on Russian gas with Azerbaijani gas.”


Obviously, Pashinyan and his obsequious lackeys advising him on foreign policy matters, are displaying a wilful blindness to the bitter results generated by the presence of “Observers” trying to maintain peace between warring parties, who naively have invested too much trust in the ability of observers to prevent disasters.

Foreign observers in Rwanda, by their inaction, were responsible for the Genocide that claimed the lives of a million Rwandans between April 1994 and the end of the violence in June 1994.

In apologizing for the UN’s lack of action, several years later (2004), Secretary General Kofi Annan said “The genocide in Rwanda should never, ever have happened. But it did. The international community failed Rwanda, and that must leave us always with a sense of bitter regret and abiding sorrow.”


Pashinyan and his foreign policy gurus are unable to learn anything from history. In this case the key lesson to memorize is clear and simple: Observers are never a good solution to contain the territorial expansion of a blood thirsty genocidal Petro Dictator called Aliyev. A strong Armenian Army well versed in waging an asymmetric warfare is the only guarantee of Armenia. 

Not convinced yet, let me introduce a second example from the history of Lebanon. Observers, known as the UNIFIL force, have been present on the line of contact between Lebanon and Israel since 1978.

Lebanon witnessed multiple Israeli incursions into its territory, the most recent in 2006. With a massive presence of more than 11,000 observers/soldiers/peace keepers they never managed to stop an Israeli invasion, or scored any success in preventing the “Lebanese Resistance”/Hezbollah movement from attempts to kidnap Israeli soldiers, and thus trigger a cycle of violence that claimed the lives of more than 1100 civilians on both sides, back in 2006. For more details see:


Pashinyan, wake up, observers are not your safety net. Only a strong Armenian Army can guarantee the territorial sovereignty of Armenia, and prevent another Genocide.




Rich Helder said…
I think Pashinyan will never "wake up" he does not care about Armenia except as a springboard for his own power. He will meet an untimely end the way all petty dictators do. First Zelensky, and then Pashinyan. They will go the way of Mussolini.

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