Facts Armenia cannot ignore one year after the Israeli-Hamas War

It started on October 07, 2023. For the first time in the history of modern Israel a group of Palestinian fighters from Gaza, waving the flag of Hamas crossed into Israel, killed more than 1200 Israeli soldiers and civilians, and retreated back into Gaza with almost 250 Israeli hostages.

Bibi, the Israeli Prime Minister, immediately invoked Israel’s right for self-defence and launched a war with the distinct goals of (a) eliminating Hamas (b) liberating all the Israeli hostages held by Hamas in the underground tunnels of Gaza.

A year after the disaster of October 07/23, Bibi has failed to materialize both goals. Today Hamas is still resisting the IDF in Gaza, periodically inflicting heavy casualties on the invaders, and while a significant number of Israeli hostages were released, many were killed by Israeli soldiers during botched rescue attempts, and Hamas still holds a substantial number of Israeli hostages. Needless to mention that the hostages released were not the end result of Tsahal’s prowess, but of diplomatic negotiations that unfolded in Qatar, despite the “Official” Israeli mantra that “NO Israeli Government will negotiate with Palestinian terrorists”.

On the issue of Palestinian terrorism, it will be appropriate to reiterate the following statements made by Mr. António Guterres, The Secretary-General of the United Nations, highlighting, during a speech addressed to The Security Council on October 24, 2023, critical facts about the violence exercised by Palestinians:

“It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.
The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.

They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished.  Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing.

But the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas.  And those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.”


Obviously, The Government of Israel used the events of October 07/23 as a prelude to unleash a genocidal military assault to exterminate the population of Gaza. In the words of The Jordanian Monarch, His Majesty King Abdullah II, who pointed out during his speech at the 79th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (Sept. 24, 2024), that

“The Israeli government’s assault has resulted in one of the fastest death rates in recent conflicts, one of the fastest rates of starvation caused by war, the largest cohort of child amputees, and unprecedented levels of destruction.
This Israeli government has killed more children, more journalists, more aid workers, and more medical personnel than any other war in recent memory.”

The full text of King Abdullah’s speech is available at the following link:


and those who prefer to watch and listen to the speech, use the following link:

What are the lessons that we can learn from the Jordanian King’s message, and apply to the Artsakh’s “Ethnic Cleansing”, the Azeri occupation of Armenian sovereign territory, and Pashinyan’s obsessive attachment to a “Peace Plan” where the more we compromise as a nation the more voracious the appetite of Petro-Dictator Aliyev  becomes, and the list of never ending Aliyev’s new demands are clearly proving, beyond a reasonable doubt that the Azerbaijani Fuehrer Aliyev has no interest to pursue a genuine, just, fair, and long-lasting peace. On the contrary, Aliyev is displaying an unwavering attachment to the grandiose dream of conquering “Western Azerbaijan” or the entire 29,800Sq Km of Armenian sovereign land.

Lesson#1: International relations are closer to the “Rules of The Jungle” rather than the supremacy of the law advocated by civilized “Western Democracies”. King Abdullah II warned the audience in his speech that international law today reflects the bitter reality “...that some nations [Israel, Azerbaijan] are above international law, that global justice does bend to the will of power, and that human rights are selective; a privilege to be granted or denied at will.”

Remember the ten-months blockade of Artsakh, or the “Genocide by Starvation” of Artsakh described by prominent British spiritual and political figures as a

“...war of terror being waged by Azerbaijan, with a medieval style siege, inflicted in the 21st century and continuing into 2023, against the Armenian people in the historic Armenian land of Nagorno Karabakh [Artsakh]– relocated by Stalin in Azerbaijan. Perhaps stretched and preoccupied by the horrors in Ukraine the media’s virtual silence is tragically allowing terrible atrocities to occur under the shadow of darkness.” [David Alton.net]

Like Gaza’s blockade, many countries payed “Lip Service” and condemned  the collective punishment imposed by Aliyev on the civilian population of Artsakh. None wanted to take any steps designed to upset the plans of Petro-Dictator Aliyev, and all countries, supposedly friends of Armenia, supposedly avid supporters of international law and principles of justice, denigrated international law to accommodate the brutal power exercised by the Azerbaijani Fuehrer Aliyev. One more time, I find it appropriate to mention that there was a practical solution that “Western Democracies” could have adopted, but preferred to watch the tragedy of Artsakh unfold without any external intervention. For more details read

“The Airdrop That Can Lift The Artsakh Blockade”


Read and focus intensely on the following question of King Abdullah II:
“Ask yourselves, if we are not nations united in the conviction that all people are equal in rights, dignity, and worth, and that all countries are equal in the eyes of the law, what kind of world does that leave us with?”
The answer is very simple: We are left with a world where a powerful oil rich nation like Azerbaijan can inflict with total impunity the most barbaric form of punishment on a poor country like Armenia, and the rest of the world will do nothing, on the contrary it will hail the Petro-Dictator as the “Trusted Partner” of The European Union.

“In the absence of global accountability, repeated horrors are normalized, threatening to create a future where anything is permitted anywhere in the world. Is that what we want?”[King Abdullah II]

It may not be what countries, considered very small players on the international political landscape, desire or want, but centuries ago Thucydides the Greek historian and General who wrote extensively about the “History of the Peloponnesian War”, laid down the cardinal rule of Realpolitik; “The strong do what they will. The weak will suffer what they must.”

With the support of an Armenian “Enabler”, Nikol Pashinyan, Aliyev the strongman who rules with an iron fist “Azerbaijan Inc.” imposed on us the “Engineered Defeat” of the 44-Day War. We suffered the loss of 5,000 brave Armenian soldiers, and thousands of Armenian widows lost the breadwinner of the family, and on the shoulders of the widows of Armenia rests today the heavy burden of feeding thousands of orphaned Armenian children.

We suffered and witnessed also the loss of Artsakh, because the enemy agent, Nikol Pashinyan delivered it on a silver platter to Aliyev in The City of Prague back in 2022.

We suffered and witnessed the “Ethnic Cleansing” of Artsakh that resulted in the forced deportation to Armenia of more than 100,000 Armenians who were given two choices by Aliyev’s army (a) leave Artsakh while you can (b) face certain death by the hands of savages wearing the uniform of a “Sovereign” country.


Like the Palestinians of Gaza we may advocate the restoration of the dignity of a nation, and the inalienable right of Artsakh for self-determination. But nothing will happen if our priority is not focused on the removal from power of the enemy agent currently occupying The Office of The Prime Minister of Armenia.


Արդյո՞ք դավաճանությունը Փաշինյան ընտանիքի գերիշխող հատկանիշն է




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