5,000 Armenian Soldiers Were Sacrificed To Save The Political Career of PM Pashinyan


More revelations have surfaced in The National Assembly of Armenia (NA) compelling us to

debunk the most recent statements made by PM Pashinyan to the National Assembly’s Inquiry Committee for Studying The 44-Day War, also known as the “Fact Finding Commission” (FFC) of The 44-Day War.

In an article published on June 20, 2023


the following crucial question was asked:

Why did the Prime Minister of Armenia decide to go to war when he had several months to pursue an aggressive diplomatic campaign to avoid the war?

In the same article we reported the professional analysis provided by Col. Gen. Onik Gasparyan, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Armenia, to PM Pashinyan and the National Security Council, in mid June 2020.

Gasparyan’s warning was very clear to all those willing to listen to him: Our opponent is no longer only Azerbaijan, but also Turkey. Therefore, Armenia cannot effectively confront the joint military potential of these states and it is necessary to direct all the political and diplomatic potential to avoid or at least postpone the war.”


PM Pashinyan refused to launch an urgent diplomatic offensive to pursue the “Lavrov Plan” and avoid a war that he was condemned to lose.

To The FFC Pashinyan admitted that even The National Security Service (NSS) of Armenia,

had provided to him “dates of a possible war.” To dismiss casually his indifference and utter neglect to rely on diplomacy to spare the lives of 5,000 brave Armenian soldiers who lost their lives during the 44-Day War, and the surrender of almost half of Artsakh’s territory, Pashinyan with utter sarcasm declared that many parties he consulted, including foreign sources, assured him that the possibility of facing a war is “Unlikely”.

To the members of The FFC, Pashinyan stated sardonically that It was reported to me that there is a 30 percent chance of a war starting, and that this is psychological pressure on the political power so that we make disproportionate concessions..."


Obviously, Mr. Pashinyan’s never heard about or studied the writings of The Prussian General and military strategist Karl Von Clausewitz, and his assertion that “War is not an independent phenomenon, but the continuation of politics by different means.” PM Pashinyan, with his warped logic never noticed the critical fact that, throughout history, Kings, Presidents, and Prime Ministers always relied during their discourse with their enemies on two different languages: a) diplomacy b) war. The languages alternated frequently, but the goal of the discourse was always the same: “How to impose with minimum loss your political agenda on the enemy?”. 

Pashinyan knew well that Aliyev will not give up on his agenda to reconquer the 7 districts that remained under Armenian control since the cease fire agreement of 1994, and integrate Artsakh into the territorial sovereignty of Azerbaijan. Pashinayn’s Army was not ready to face 5 enemies (Azerbaijan, Turkey, Pakistan, Israel, Islamic Mercenaries from Syria). But still, Pashinyan sacrificed 5,000 brave soldiers simply because he assumed that giving up territory without a war is a cowardice that may cost him his political career.

It seems that we lost 5,000 brave Armenian soldiers, and generated hundreds of widows and orphans to delay the demise of the political career of an Azerbaijani Agent well paid to destroy his country, and sell it, piece by piece, to the enemy.

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