PM Pashinyan Carolling The Virtues of Democracy


We all know that the US President Joe Biden held a “Summit For Democracy” on Dec.09-10, 2021. During the virtual summit, world leaders, including PM Pashinyan, expressed their concerns about the challenges/threats facing democratic regimes today and the measures/responses that should be adopted to neutralize the threats, and move forward with solid commitments to make democracy stronger worldwide, and thus make our planet a safer place for its 8 billion inhabitants.

World leaders were invited to focus their attention on three critical threats/issues affecting the future of all democracies: Corruption, Authoritarianism, and Protection of human rights.

PM Pashinyan took advantage of this valuable opportunity to present an assessment of the state of democracy in Armenia under his leadership. Like the rest of his cohorts who attended the summit, PM Pashinyan forgot, in a very expedient fashion, that if “Democracy” means anything, it should include an uncompromising dedication to ACCOUNTABILITY

Accountability is not an abstract ethereal value. It is a practical goal pursued every time a critical mistake, undermining the survival of a nation, is made by a government. Accountability is a goal that requires putting under close scrutiny the disastrous mistakes made by PM Pashinyan (loss of 6,000 soldiers), the analysis of the events that shaped the disaster, the role of each and every decision maker who contributed or aggravated the existing mistakes, intentionally, by neglect, by bad judgment calls, or by sheer greed and failure to put the collective well being of a nation above narrow personal interests. Last but not least, accountability requires a solid dedication to the prevention of the same mistakes if and when the country is facing similar circumstances again.

Since the end of The Second Artsakh War, and the trilateral capitulation agreement signed by PM Pashinyan, a long list of questions remained unanswered, or if attempts were made to scrutinize certain aspects of the disastrous outcome of the war, the answers were elusive, mostly designed to deflect the blame from the current government, and focused on diluting the ultimate responsibility by promoting the famous statement of PM Pashinyan, made in the aftermath of the capitulation agreement: “I am responsible for signing the trilateral agreement of Nov.09/20, but I am not the only guilty party.” We all know who the other guilty parties are: The three presidents who ruled Armenia from 1991 to the day The Velvet Revolution delivered the Office of The Prime Minister of Armenia (May 2018) to Nikol Pashinyan. 

Only a crafty sociopath can accept how a war he started on Sept.27/20 was concluded with his capitulation on Nov.09/20, and his 44 days of lies (we are winning the war) paved the way for a tragic loss of 6,000 lives, a fact that he shouldn’t be accountable for because based on his twisted logic, three former presidents neglected the army up until May 2018.

No one so far, since the end of The Second Artsakh War, stood up in The Court of Public Opinion and asked Pashinyan the following questions:

a) Prime Minister, if you were aware that The Armed Forces of Armenia were neglected, underfunded, and under-equipped (by 3 former Armenian Presidents), why you did not seek the diplomatic intervention of Russia, or any other third party (Minsk Group) to avoid the war at all cost?

b) Prime Minister, according to Col. Gen. Onik Gasparyan, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, on June 12, 2020, he exposed you with significant details to the existing balance of power, tilting in favor of Azerbaijan, due to the direct Turkish military assistance provided to The Azerbaijani Army. Col. Gen. Gasparyan emphasized to you the fact that Armenia cannot win the next war looming in the horizon. The same details were reiterated to the members of Armenia’s National Security Council a few days later, with the clear warning that Armenia cannot effectively confront the joint military potential of these states (Azerbaijan & Turkey) and it is necessary to direct all the political and diplomatic potential to avoid the war...” PM Pashinyan why you did not mobilize Armenia’s full diplomatic potential to avert a disastrous war you were told by your Army’s experts you cannot win? PM Pashinyan, not only you did not listen to the warning that you cannot win the next war, but you made sure that the enemy is provoked by the often repeated messages, by you and other political figures in your government, that “Artsakh is Armenia” “New war new conquest of Azerbaijani territories”?

c) PM Pashinyan, President Putin with his earnest mediations gave you two valuable opportunities to stop the war in October 2020-first week of October and then third week of October. According to press releases from the Russian Presidential Palace (Kremlin), at the end of negotiations President Putin conducted directly with you and Aliyev on October 19 and 20, the Russian President managed to convince Aliyev to end military hostilities. Two conditions were attached to the Azeri consent to freeze the military campaign. (1) Return of refugees/Internally Displaced Persons from the First Artsakh War to the seven Azerbaijani districts occupied by Armenia. (2) Return of Shusha/Shushi to Azeri sovereignty. Shocked by your intransigence President Putin stated: “Unexpectedly for me, the position of our Armenian partners was that they perceived this as something unacceptable ...Prime Minister Pashinyan told me openly that he viewed this as a threat to the interests of Armenia...” 

Nikol, you casually threw to the jaws of death thousands of young lives that could have been spared had you been willing to deflate your megalomaniac ego, but you didn’t do it. Nikol, MEGALOMANIA is a symptom closely associated with a sociopathic personality like yours. In psychiatric terms it is “a psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of power and omnipotence.” Nikol Are you willing to stand up in the court of public opinion like an honourable knight, explain why you refused President Putin's offer, and then fall on your sword?

Nikol, I doubt very much a spineless person like you will accept such a challenge. One more explanation you need to provide to the Armenian nation. During the Summit for Democracy you stated the following: "We are committed to the consolidation of democracy in Armenia through strengthening democratic institutions. By embracing transparency and accountability...Nikol, we are not sure if your commitment to embrace transparency and accountability is just the empty words of a sociopath who lied to his nation for 44 days, who displayed an utter contempt for human lives and sacrificed casually thousands of our finest soldiers simply because he bought the delusion that he can emerge victorious from a war that he cannot win. Have you rehabilitated yourself between Nov.09.20 and Dec.09/21 through intense psychotherapy and you are no longer peddling lies, on the contrary you are very sincere about transparency and accountability?

Nikol, why don’t you deliver to us the tangible evidence that you are honestly committed to transparency and accountability by adopting the following plan of action. Many open sources on the internet are placing your “Net worth at $3.7 billion (2021)” There is a possibility that the figures are not accurate, and I am absolutely convinced that a bank account in your own name does not exist, anywhere on the face of the earth, with an amount of $3.7 billion USD. So to put an end to this controversy, are you predisposed to retain the services of a group of forensic accountants who were involved in the “Panama Papers” scandal to review the books of all the charities controlled by your wife Mrs. Anna Hakobyan?

Nikol, a couple of years ago, Political Scientist Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan made a very accurate assessment about the incongruity   between what you preach and what you practice. He stated that: “Nikol Pashinyan is guided not by transparency and full responsibility to society, but by political expediency and his political plans. That is, priority is not given to his declared values and approaches, but to what best suits the interests of Pashinyan’s political team.”

Nikol, you are not a true believer in democracy. You are an imposter who hijacked democracy to satisfy your thirst for power. Armenians who were fed up with the kleptocrats of the past followed you like sheep, and this is what American journalist Edward Murrow said about a nation of sheep who do not question the motives of their leader: “A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” 



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