PM Pashinyan & The $187.000 USD Car For His Crony Alen Simonyan


PM Pashinyan is trying to convince us that he runs a "Corruption Free" government. Guess what, he figured out a very efficient way of legitimizing corruption.

It is a form of corruption known in Western Democracies as "Pork Barrelling":

"A legitimately approved piece of legislation that creates benefits for a constituency or yields material rewards for a political representative belonging to the ruling party of the government in power."

National Assembly Speaker Alen Simonyan has been working so hard lately, sweating buckets while managing debates in The Armenian Parliament in a seated position, that he deserves a BMW 750Li xDrive LC valued at 90 million AMD ($187.000 USD). The investment in a $187.000 USD car (BMW) was approved by PM Pashinyan. A more modest car for $40.000 was deemed inappropriate to cover the transportation needs of Mr. Simonyan, at a time when war veterans from The Second Artsakh War, widows, and orphans are unable to obtain the basic necessities to sustain a decent living that preserves human dignity. 

Also, due to a psychological problem known as “Selective Amnesia”, PM Pashinyan conveniently forgot a declaration he made to the Armenian media back in June 13, 2021. He lamented the difficulties encountered by many Armenian Generals in finding reasonable living accommodations. He pointed out that many “... army generals in the Armenian army who don’t have apartments of their own and live on rent, even though they have been serving in the army for over 20 years.”

Army generals must not have problems with apartments. Citizens should pay their taxes with pleasure, thinking that those taxes will be spent to take care of their needs.”

The accounting Guru Pashinyan decided that the best way to spend taxpayers money is by rewarding his crony, National Assembly Speaker Alen Simonyan, with a $187.000USD BMW instead of buying a decent car for much less and using the difference to buy affordable dwellings for the Armenian Generals living in substandard housing units. 

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