Kaydzag, Jean Halajian, & Prof. Abraham Gasparyan

 An anonymous detractor has launched a verbally abusive attack on Mr. Jean Halajian, the author of an article published last week, titled “Abraham Gasparyan Is An Unfading Star In The Sky of The Nation”.


The fact that the anonymous detractor prefers to release his poisonous venom from behind a thick dark curtain that protects his real identity, tells us a lot about his personality that distinctly lacks courage. According to conventional wisdom “Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the dedication to make the right move despite the presence of fear.” In this case, if your words are supported by the power of logical reasoning, and they are not mere “Yellow Pamphleteering” projects designed to reinforce the fragile position of your paymaster, Nikol Pashinyan, you should have enough courage to write under your real name, instead of the pseudonym “KAYDZAG” and publish via a Blog, or any other platform instead of mass mailing via the email address of newkaydzag@......com

His writing style reflect a deeply rooted obsession with a personal vendetta targeting Mr. Halajian and Prof. Gasparyan. Of course we cannot dismiss the possibility that he is also a paid mercenary saluting the flag of the highest bidder for his writing services; The Office of The Prime Minister of Armenia.

Kaydzag is not happy with the fact that Prof. Gasparyan enjoys the deep respect of thousands of Armenians who hail him as a beacon of light in the darkness of despair hovering on Armenia, since the “Engineered Defeat” of The 44-Day War, masterminded and implemented by PM Pashinyan.

Kaydzag is angry that Prof. Abrahamyan is perceived as the “Knight” who may pave the way for the salvation of Armenia. Kaydzag cannot stomach the fact that Prof. Gasparyan has inherited the spirit of Christapor Mikaelian, and since 2018, that spirit has been mobilized to fight an Armenian born with the soul of a Turk named Nikol Pashinyan.

While dozens of videos, from multiple media outlets prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Prof. Gasparyan did not assault or provoke any Police Officer, Kaydzag has distinct preference to promote the lie that the victim smashed the head of a policeman with a stone picked up from the ground, and eventually deserved the brutality exercised by the Police to put an end to his violent behavior. Please invest 10 minutes of your time, scrutinize the following video, and determine the validity of the absurd claims made by Kaydzag. 


After unleashing his diatribe on Prof. Gasparyan, Kaydzag turns his attention to the auhtor of the article, Jean Halajian, and as if he has been living since birth on a different planet, Kaydzag wonders if Mr. Halajian would dare to insult the Prime Minister of Canada.

Obviously, Kaydzag never heard about the famous Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, who in a moment of anger, gave the “One Finger” salute to the public verbally abusing him, and does not know that today you can easily encounter on Canadian highways cars with bumper stickers stating “F..k Trudeau” in this case Trudeau the son (Justin) not the father who died long time ago. Despite the clear evidence of disrespect, and obvious contempt for the Canadian leadership, no Canadian citizen ended up in jail for insulting the Prime Minister and his family.

Under the subheading of “DEFENDER OF THE FATHERLAND”, Kaydzag extolls the myopic foreign policies of PM Pashinyan, especially his glorious moves to “Normalize” relations with Turkey, and the “TRUST” and respect both leaders, Erdogan and Pashinyan, have for each other. Recently I posted an article basically addressing the following question: Can you (Pashinyan) trust a wolf (Erdogan) in a sheep’s clothing?

Here is the full reply published on my Facebook page at the end of May 2024:

It is not the first time in history that a Turkish leader is urging Armenians to cooperate with Turkey or TRUST Turkey to build a better, more stable, and more prosperous Armenia.

The Ottoman ancestors of Sultan Erdogan, The Young Turks, urged Armenians of the Ottoman Empire to trust The Young Turks, and together build a better “Constitutional Monarchy” that will respect the rights of all religious minorities of The Ottoman Empire, and provide an opportunity to voice their grievances via a democratically elected parliament.

In 1908, when The Young Turks’ revolution forced Abdulhamid II to accept a Constitution and schedule elections, Armenians from all walks of life, trusted The Ottoman revolutionaries, danced together in the streets of Constantinople, and hailed the beginning of a new era of reforms that will liberate the Armenians of The Empire from the yoke of Abdulhamid II.

Seven years later, trusting the The Young Turks paved the way for the biggest orgy of cruelty witnessed by mankind-The Armenian Genocide of 1915 that claimed the lives of 1.5 million Armenians.

Erdogan is no different than Sultan Abdulhamid II. On February 10, 2018, during a ceremony marking the centenary of the death of Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II held at The Yildiz Palace in Istanbul, Sultan Erdogan proudly declared:“The Republic of Turkey, just like our previous states that are a continuation of one another, is also a continuation of the Ottomans...Of course, the borders have changed. Forms of government have changed... But the essence is the same, soul is the same, even many institutions are the same."

Sultan Erdogan continued his diatribe against “bigoted” secular Western democracies, that often referred to Abdulahamid II as “The Red Sultan”, by insisting that Abdulhamid II, who slaughtered more than 200.000 Armenians (Hamidian Massacres), was one of the “...most important, most visionary and most strategic minded" ruler that left indelible marks on the political landscape of Turkey for the last 150 years.

Sultan Erdogan concluded his speech by adding the following statement: “Some people insistently try to start this country's history from 1923. Some unrelentingly try to break us from our roots and ancient values...We take pride in our history without making discrimination."

For more details use the following link:


So today, Sultan Erdogan issued a new invitation to Armenia. Trust Turkey, forget The Armenian Diaspora, and your future will be stable and prosperous.

In 1908 we became the victims of blood thirsty Turkish revolutionaries claiming to be “Reformists” with the best interest of the Armenians of The Empire in their hearts and minds. In 2024, do we repeat the same mistake with Erdogan? Or do we stop for a moment and remind ourselves that a wolf in a sheep’s clothing remains a wolf.

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