We have become a nation of hypocrites


A very touching article titled Don’t Forgive Us…” written by TAMAR DONABEDIAN was published recently on the website of Asbarez https://asbarez.com/dont-forgive-us/

The blunt honesty of the article forces us to go for a soul searching trip at a time when our Fatherland/Hayrenik is at a very critical junction of its modern history, besieged by dangers and geopolitical plots taking advantage of the stupidity of a leader (Pashinyan) who is willing to put on the auction block, every value that has preserved our dignity as a nation since we adopted Christianity in 301 AD/CE.

The article ends with the following questions:

Can we revive the spirit of Sardarapat?

Can we wake up at last and do away with this slave mentality?

Can we be honest with ourselves?

Be the master and servant of our homeland? 

The answers:

No we cannot revive the spirit of Sardarapat as long as we follow a leader (Pashinyan) who reincarnated on this earth with the spirit of a Turk. You need leaders who have inherited the spirit of Zoravar Andranik, Zoravar Movses Silikian, Zoravar Tovmas Nazarbekian, then we may well see a difference. Pashinyan is determined to forge diplomatic relations with Turkey, a myopic move that will allow Turkish economic hegemony to achieve what the Turks have failed to do back in 1918 during the battle of Sardarabat.

No we cannot shed the slave mentality, because Pashinyan replaced our rusted shackles with the "Promise" of golden ones-30% growth in Armenia's GDP, an unprecedented prosperity that will render most Armenians living in Armenia "Mindless Consumerists", who will entertain the illusion that they are free meanwhile they have different slave masters periodically polishing their golden shackles. 

No we cannot be honest with ourselves because, as a nation, had we been honest with ourselves, we could have avoided the genocide of 1915. Members of the rich class entertained themselves with the lie that money can keep them away from the slaughter houses prepared by The Ittihadists. The intellectuals who copied and pasted ideas from the European Enlightenment Movement adopted the lie that having common denominators with European intellectuals can protect them from the sword of the blood thirsty Turk. Church leaders promoted the lies that Christian Europe will not let down the first Christian Nation and it will intervene to stop the orgy of cruelty organized by The Triumvirate. One national hero-Kherimian Hayrig, told us what to do but we refused to trust his judgment.

No we cannot be the master and servant of our homeland. We already sold our soul to the devil the day we wasted a valuable opportunity by re-electing Pashinyan. You cannot serve two Gods and remain loyal to a nation. You cannot serve the Heavenly King and the moral principles he wants us to protect, and at the same time worship the mighty green dollar and the "Economic Prosperity" that requires from you to sell your territorial sovereignty, your national dignity, and every value that safeguards our collective well being. 

Yes, we are hypocrites who sing revolutionary songs and praise our heroes with every glass of vodka or araki we drink, but deep down we are committed to wilful blindness in the name of TOLERANCE. And this is what British Author Dorothy Sayers said about TOLERANCE:

In this world it is called Tolerance, but in hell it is called indifference, the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die.”




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