Why Armenian Journalists Are Not Paying Attention To Azeri Propaganda Efforts


In our first article dated Nov. 07,2020 titled “Artsakh & The Tragedy of Indifference we highlighted the importance of “controlling the narrative” and containing the draconian efforts made by the educated goons of Aliyev, who are investing billions of dollars in projects labelled by propaganda experts as “Aliyev's Caviar Diplomacy”.

During the last two decades, in England alone Mr. Aliyev spend approximately $2 billion dollars on “Caviar Diplomacy” (more details will be provided in the future in a separate article), to convince British decision-makers that Armenia is an expansionist state runned by monsters who ordered the ethnic cleansing of Azeris from lands occupied by ultra nationalists seeking bloody revenge. 

Hundreds of politicians, academics, journalists, lobbyists, were invited to the “Caviar Parties” held by The Embassy of Azerbaijan in London and Washington. Many politicians received generous contributions to their electoral campaigns. Many key parliamentary figures received gifts in the form of luxury cars, fully paid tuition fees for their children in expensive private schools. Journalists and their families were invited to Baku, and Aliyev's Presidential Palace showered them with expensive gifts, while the same broken record was played: “Armenia the aggressor is occupying Azeri lands.” Journalists were reminded that they will always be generously rewarded if they supported in their writings the grievances of Aliyev.

A significant number of European journalists became soldiers of fortune saluting the Azeri flag. The only difference between them and a real soldier of fortune was the tool they used. Instead of using a firearm to kill Armenians, journalists have been using their pens to discredit the Armenian leadership and undermine Artsakh's legitimate right for self-determination.

One journalist, very adept at practicing "Yellow Journalism" who came to our attention lately is Anita Haugen. A self-styled security analysts who published an article purely designed to drive a wedge between Armenia and The United States in particular, and European regimes who are the obsequious lackeys of Aliyev.




 Ms. Haugen relies on the status of a former US congressman ( Dan Burton) who openly voiced the view ”... that Nagorno Karabakh has never been a part of Armenia” to promote a series of twisted facts, and conclude that disastrous consequences will imperil the Armenian economy if the Armenian leadership does not cease and desist from helping the Iranian regime circumvent Western sanctions, by prostituting to Iran the services of Armenian banks.

Below this article, you will find a letter addressed/emailed to the editor (Mr. Basil Coronakis) of the website that published Ms. Haugen's article. My next article will dissect, claim by claim, Ms. Haugen's arguments. I hope readers, journalists, and academics in Armenia and the diaspora will launch a well concerted effort to silence lies destined to tarnish the reputation of a government and undermine the destiny of Artsakh.

I strongly encourage every concerned Armenian to visit the website and leave a comment to discourage Mr. Coronakis from devoting his podium  to journalists determined to spread falsehood in European forums.


 Dear Mr. Coronakis,

On July 16, 2021 your website published an article titled "Is Armenia heading towards a collision with the West?"  authored by an Oslo-based security advisor named Anita Haugen.

It is safe to assume that you or your editorial team reviewed the article and published it because, at a certain level, you share the same narrative/worldview with the author, and probably like the author you have a vested political interest in promoting her views from a podium you control.

It is also obvious that you did not make an effort to place a disclaimer at the end of the article, warning your readers that the views expressed are solely based on the personal opinions of the author, and you as an editor do not necessarily endorse fully or partially the content of the article.

The lack of the disclaimer reinforces the impressions that you are a fellow traveller serving the same paymaster. Of course there is nothing wrong in serving a paymaster to earn a living. The only problem is the article comes too close to "Yellow Journalism" with significant factual errors and a very serious willful blindness about a bigger bully (Turkey's Erdogan) who has openly defied, for the last two decades, every sanction imposed on Iran by US administrations, generating in the process billions of dollars in revenues to his inner circle and prominent Turkish Organized Crime figures, who control borders and smuggling activities destined to provide vital supplies to Iran including, spare parts badly needed to modernize The Iranian Air Force.

The worst factual error in Ms. Haugen's article is using a name that does not exist. "...a former congressman from Indiana, Dan Barton, has raised the alarm..." No such person ever existed in The US Congress. There was a congressman named Joe Linus Barton (born September 15, 1949) who represented Texas's 6th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1985 to 2019.

The Congressman who represented Indiana up until 2013 was Danny Lee Burton (born June 21, 1938), a.k.a Dan Burton (not Barton) who enjoyed the largesse of President Aliyev who, on multiple occasions, contributed generously to his electoral campaigns via The Azerbaijan America Alliance, and on February 13, 2013 the Azerbaijan America Alliance appointed Mr. Burton as Chairman of the organization.

Very shortly I will publish on my blog (www.artsakhtheinadequateresponse.blogspot.com )

a lengthy rebuttal of Ms. Haugen's article. If the following claims you make on your website are accurate, I hope you will not hesitate to give the floor to an unflattering voice that disagrees with Ms. Haugen.

We investigate, involve, inspire and give the floor to as many voices as possible.

We fight for transparency, democracy, dialogue, and debate and we believe in a world of cooperation. We believe in a world of peace. We believe in a world of freedom.





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1) The reproduction is not for commercial purposes. 2) Do not edit the text. 3) Ensure that you give proper credit to the blog by acknowledging the source and creating a hyperlink.







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